10th year

10th year
Pathways World School, Aravali

Inquiring Together


Technology is an absolute need we cannot escape from. Let's just say, it has a very big role in most aspects of our lives today. In other words, it answers most of our problems and addresses most of our needs. Across centuries technology has evolved and has been used for various purposes, especially in computers. They are being used literally for everything and by everyone for myriad kinds of things like banking, chatting, social networking, keeping records and what not! 

Students of Grade 5 will now try to keep pace with technology through the unit under the Transdisciplinary Theme, How we express ourselves with the

Central IdeaTechnology is the modern language of human expression.
Key Concepts:
·       Form
·       Connection
·       Perspective
Lines of Inquiry:
·       Different forms of technology
·       How technology can be used to express ourselves
·       Different points of view on the use of technology

Through this unit, students will not only inquire into different forms of technology but also find out how technology can be used to express thereby learning to appreciate the aesthetics in science. They will also get hands on experience of some new software, application and web 2.0 tools which they will use to express themselves. Their knowledge will also be enhanced with a few guest speakers coming in and talking to them about the use of technology for expression.
The students will also get ample opportunities to develop Transdisciplinary Skills and will be encouraged to acquire positive ‘Attitudes’ towards learning.


Grade 5’s first unit of inquiry was on technology, called “Cyber Speaks”. We used different websites to learn about how to use various applications. We learnt new software packages such as Toondoo and Photoshop. Toondoo was really fun and exciting as we made cartoons. Photoshop was challenging and new as we made cool and funny pictures.

The unit began with a presentation given by Mr. Rishi Srivastava, who explained to the class the different ways  technology could be used for expression .

In the beginning of the unit we made a collage of equipment’s that use technology. We learnt the different forms of technology, such as digital art, laptops, cars, refrigerators, etc. We learnt how the use of GPS and GPRS, which helps us to navigate.

We also had a presentation on Robotics by Mr. Ayush, who showed us some really cool gadgets. Such as buzzers, LED, LRD, light sensors, etc.

Using social networking sites, we can easily communicate with our friends and family. You can inform your group about your holiday you went to and share your pictures with them..

We worked towards the netiquettes of using the social networking sites. This helps us to be more careful in what we write and do.

The unit of technology was so interesting and I really hope all other units will be the same.


This blog is about what the students of Grade 5 have learnt all through the unit of Cyber Speaks. 
Grade 5 has been informed of the netiquettes of technology and the dangers or disadvantages that could occur while using the internet. One of the tasks grade 5 had to do was a poster making about the same issue. Another task was to research about one tool chosen by the students such as video conferencing, GPS, Facebook, Edmodo etc and present it to the class.  For the Summative Task we had to individually create a message from one of the strands from the TD Theme  sharing the planet and present it using a media tool such as a comic strip, movie maker, Photoshop, PowerPoint etc. We also had a chance to listen to the guest lecture about Robotics along with hands on experience using the simulation software. It has  been a great fun unit for me and for the entire class.

 Dhir Shukla and Mahika Goel


Grade 5’s first unit of inquiry was on technology, called “Cyber Speaks”. We used different websites to learn about how to use various applications. We learnt new software packages such as Toondoo and Photoshop. Toondoo was really fun and exciting as we made cartoons. Photoshop was challenging and new as we made cool and funny pictures.

The unit began with a presentation given by Mr. Rishi Srivastava, who explained to the class the different ways  technology could be used for expression .

In the beginning of the unit we made a collage of equipment’s that use technology. We learnt the different forms of technology, such as digital art, laptops, cars, refrigerators, etc. We learnt how the use of GPS and GPRS, which helps us to navigate.

We also had a presentation on Robotics by Mr. Ayush, who showed us some really cool gadgets. Such as buzzers, LED, LRD, light sensors, etc.

Using social networking sites, we can easily communicate with our friends and family. You can inform your group about your holiday you went to and share your pictures with them..

We worked towards the netiquettes of using the social networking sites. This helps us to be more careful in what we write and do.

The unit of technology was so interesting and I really hope all other units will be the same.

Dhir Shukla.


Moving Ahead With The Unit..............

This post is an informative post about what the students of Grade 5 have been doing this past week.
We have been studying about technology and have researched our favorite type of technology such as GPS, Face book, Videoconferencing etc. We also made presentations using tools like MovieMaker, Photoshop, Comic Strips, PowerPoint etc.
Mahika Goel


Reflecting on the Unit of Inquiry so far......

Till now in our UOI classes we have talked about technology. We saw some interesting videos initially and expressed our understanding of the same. We were introduced to the Transdisciplinary theme, central idea, lines of inquiry and the key concepts. We also revised the elements of PYP specially the transdisciplinary themes.
We also had a guest speaker Mr. Rishi Shrivastava who spoke about the use of technology for expression and demonstrated certain interesting ways of integrating technology for expression like  voice recognition, graffiti….. We were also introduced to Netiquettes and Internet Safety through a power point presentation after which we made a poster on the same to reflect our understanding. We in pairs have begun our research on the first line of inquiry which is ‘different forms of technology’ by choosing a technology of our choice.

We all are very excited to make the most eye-catching presentation. We cannot wait to see everyone’s beautiful presentation.............................

Nandini, Ashlin and Vansh Shrivastava


My Robot

ALFAREX is my robot. Alfa for short.  He is a humanoid form, standing at the height of 13 inches.  He is made up of over a thousand parts which include connectors, beans, axils the NXT software, wires, sensors.  It took me more than 8 hours to put him together.  I like making him but the thing I love the most is programming him to things like walk, dance, move his hands.  Since we are doing a unit on cyber speaks I decided to bring him school.  I programmed “Alfa” to dance and he was a big hit with everyone in my class.

By Kushaagra Kapoor


Robotics Workshop

On 12th September, we had a very fun robotics workshop at school ….The session started in the period after break and lasted the entire day.

We began with a introduction from Mr. Ashish  and his team

about  robotics and after that we were shown a Power Point Presentation about robots, electrons and Microprocessors. We also learnt about motors and how they help a machine work. Mr. Ashish also told us about Sensors which are like detectors. There are different kinds of sensors like Ultrasonic, light sensors etc....
Then………..the real fun began  because Mr. Ashish had been really kind to get us a few motors, buzzers, LED lights and a few batteries so that we could sit in groups and put them together to make them work!
The session lasted a hour before we broke up for lunch.

Unknown to us Mr. Ashish had  downloaded a simulation software  that simulates circuits and electricity plans for us to use. Soon we were all in the ICT lab in pairs working on our simulations. We made a plan that was very complex and as an award the ICT teacher gave us a reward of two printouts of that plan . The ICT session lasted an hour before we said thank you to Mr. Ashish and his team.

We also wrote a reflection  on our day!


Adhiraj Singh and Adhiraj Pruthi



Dear Parents
 It has been rightly said by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ‘Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.’
We are inhabitants of a world that is shrinking so fast that it is almost like a village. In order to adapt to this coming together of various unique people, their views, life styles and  forms of art it is imperative that we take a close look at their culture and imbibe some aspects of it. The students will be inquiring into the second unit –‘World Citizen’ which aims at introducing the concept of global citizenship to them.
The Central Idea for this unit is: Understanding the culture of the home and host countries helps people become world citizens.
The lines of Inquiry are
·       Culture of the home and host countries
·       How the culture of the home and host country influences the way people live
·       Our responsibility towards becoming a world citizen

We are planning a Field Trip to the Kingdom Of Dreams for our students to get a look at the diverse and rich culture of India. We also welcome your participation as guest speakers, in sharing the culture of your region with the students thereby enriching their learning.
The students will also get ample opportunities to develop Transdisciplinary Skills and will be encouraged to acquire positive attitudes towards learning. We request you to encourage your child to inquire and research independently and share any action that is displayed by your child as a result of this learning. You will be able to follow the progress of the unit through the class blog.
We look forward to your continued support and cooperation on this enriching cultural  journey.

Warm Regards
Grade 5 Team


A student’s views on the Unit
 It is a perfect  timing for grade 5 to start  the new unit on `World Citizen` when it is Mahatma Gandhi`s birthday , and also the school is celebrating `Joy of giving week`. All these things give you the same message  of peace, joy, truth and non-violence. These things cannot be achieved without loving mother Earth. It only brings harmony in the world. This topic also teaches us to be more adaptable, more tolerant and accept different countries cultures in a positive manner. "This world is my country, and to do good is my religion" that is the message we get by learning this topic. Albert Einstein also described himself as a world citizen and always supported this idea.

Dhir Shukla 



We started our new unit last week. One thing is that all the four classes came together in the MPH  and we saw a PowerPoint with different slides showing different things like dances from different places and food from around the world. We then had to make questions from them. Like the pictures were the answers to the questions. It was kind of hard. After we did that, all of us discussed our questions. Then we were put in groups and each group got strands of the T.D theme. We had to write our understanding of that strand by reading it. The next day we went again to the multipurpose room. Some artifacts were put in groups for example there were different toys from around the world put together. When we got back to our classes we did a strategy called CSI. The CSI is a strategy which goes like this. C – is for colour S- is for symbol and I- is for illustration. So we had to choose a group from what we saw and use this strategy to express our understanding.  The next day we all presented it. All of my classmates work looked awesome! After we did that ma’am made groups and gave us the central idea but the words were jumbled up and we had to put it in order. It was fun! Then we learned what the central idea really was (none of our groups got it!). We also learned what the lines of inquiry were. I really enjoyed this week’s UOI lessons. They were fun, interesting and required us to use brain power.

By Sofia Fajardo


Hello Parents, Teachers, Students and everyone else who are reading this blog entry. 
I am Mahika Goel 5-Z and my blog entry is about what the students of Grade 5 are going to learn about in their new unit ‘World Citizens’. In this unit Grade 5 is probably going to learn about what exactly is a world citizen and how to become one. Students also would be learning about if they were or were not a world citizen how that would change their lives. We had started this new unit last week and we had unraveled our central idea, our key concepts, and our lines of inquiry. The activity was that each group would get a collection of cut out words –each group got the same words- and we had to scramble the words into a sensible sentence and try to get the central idea. 

Our Central Idea was – Understanding the culture of the home and host countries helps people become world citizens. We had to guess our Key Concepts which are – Form, Causation, and Responsibility. Key Concepts help us make our lines of inquiry – Example; Form – What is a World Citizen? This question is asking the form of world citizen – What is it like? Our Lines of Inquiry are –
*Culture of the home and host countries.
*How the culture of the home and host country influences the way people live.
*Our responsibility towards becoming a world citizen.
Last week we also had a gallery walk in which there were many objects and we had to find one word all related to. The word was culture. After we had seen and observed every object and got back to our classrooms we did the CSI – Color, Symbol, and Image – project. We had to figure out a color, symbol and image that came to our mind while thinking of culture.
I hope you have found this entry thoroughly enjoyable and informative.

 Mahika Goel 


As we move on......................................

Guest Lectures

I am Mahika Goel and will be telling you about the two guest lecturers we had last week by Ms Judith and Ms. Yulia. Ms Judith is from India and her husband is from New Zealand. She lived in New Zealand and introduced us to the country’s culture and their way of living. She spoke about New Zealand’s food, dances and even some slang used there. She told us how much people wanted to stay fit and how they loved dessert at the same time. She is proud of India and New Zealand as her home and host country.
Another Guest, Ms. Yulia told us about how she had to move from Russia to India and how she took a year of coaching in Hindi school and learnt to speak, read, write and sing in Hindi.
Ms Yulia told that in her school she had many people from different countries around the world. She also told us how she took tours of different, important places in India. I am sure everyone could tell that how much Indian culture had influenced her way of speaking, dressing and even eating. She even answered some of our questions in Hindi and danced on a Hindi song. We all really enjoyed the guest visits
Thank you for visiting this blog and I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Mahika Goel 


Research on Indian Culture

Students learnt about  Indian Culture in a fun and exciting manner

The week gone by had been very exciting. First we finished our research on our home country, India and presented the information in the form of charts and other visual displays. Then we had this amazing field trip to Kingdom of Dreams to learn more about different cultures of India. 
Kingdom Of Dreams
We saw lots of different things there from different states like pottery, dolls, artifacts etc.  We also enjoyed food from different parts of India and reflected as to why it is typical to a particular state. Now we have started research on another country which is not our home country. It was a lot of fun. 

Inside view of Kingdom of Dreams
By- Aryan Sharma and Nandini Sinha


Research On The Culture Of Another Country

Research on a foreign country
This week we started off with presenting the information gathered on the culture of Brazil through charts. We also compared   the cultures of the home and the other country using a Venn Diagram. We enjoyed the presentations by Ms. Yulia Kantrova and Ms. Judith on Friday who spoke about the influence of host culture on them. They shared interesting facts of their lives which showed how their host countries- India and New Zealand respectively had changed their lives.

By Rishika Jain


The week before Diwali break was busy with lot's and lot's of practice that we did for our summative task during our unit on 'World Citizens'. We presented it in front of the primary school. The teacher's didn't help us except with the dance. The girls did a 'Rangoli' dance. We prepared for the unit enthusiastically and had lots of fun. The assembly was great. Everybody enjoyed it. It was about how to be a World citizen and respect other religions and cultures. We also told  the audience about the Food, Fashion, Festivals, Folk and Faith of a few  countries.

Paryn Khara


Rediscovering Myself

Our new unit is Re-discovering Myself. The transdiciplinary theme is Who We Are. It explains us about the people, how we are and how we should be. The central idea is: “Preparing for inevitable growth and change contributes to our well-being.” What we know about the unit is that we will learn about growth and change. Some changes will be inevitable and others will be man-made. We will learn about preparing for the forthcoming changes in ourselves too. Some questions that come to our mind are:
·        If there was no growth or change, how would life be?
  •        How will our body systems change and function as we grow?
  •       How/ why is the growth inevitable?

These are questions about the unit. We hope that the unit will be informative enough to answer these questions and many more.

On 19th November  we started a new unit Rediscovering Myself. In this Unit we brainstormed about the changes in us and around us. We got one Task Sheet through which we came to know the Transdisciplinary theme, central idea, key concepts and other details of the unit. We brainstormed on the central idea and discussed it to understand it better. We  also did some  experiments  to establish change by mixing sugar and water, salt and water, coffee and water and a few more.  We recorded the experiment on a sheet and also inferred whether it was a physical change or chemical change. Shalini  ma’am divided us into groups and we were given IPads to research on human respiratory, circulatory, nervous or digestive system based on some guiding questions. All of us made a big chart showcasing  our learning.

Inayat Pahuja


Today is the third day of our unit. Our unit is all  about our  body systems and how they change. We started our new unit on Tuesday 20th November, 2012 .We began our unit with the introduction of  the TD theme, Central Idea, lines of inquiry (LOI), Key Concepts.On Wednesday we were given scenarios: a lion cub grows into a lion, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, ice melts into water etc. We found a common concept in all of them was “Change”.Today it was really interesting we conducted few experiments and found about  physical and chemical changes, Changes which are reversible or irreversible.

By- Eesha 


How we organise ourselves

We were really excited to start our new unit Human Right Organisations that falls under the TD theme how we organize ourselves. Organisations, organisers and organise are all co-related. First we saw a video about two children-Sam and Esther suffering from the disease polio. They didn’t get proper food, shelter, clothes, love and care. We wrote a reflection using a graphic organiser (the Y chart). We wrote about what we saw in the video, what we felt and what we think about the video. Then we saw another video about them getting proper food, shelter, medical treatment and etc. as they were helped by a foundation. Then we wrote a reflection the same way. We discussed that what are needs and what are wants. Needs are the basic things we need to survive and wants are our desires and wishes but still we can survive without them. Then we compared our lives with the lives of Sam and Esther and realised that we have everything and all are wishes are fulfilled. Sam and Esther don’t have a life like us but they are still happy. Then we read an article about a girl under 18 working and being beaten up daily by her employers. The girl was helped by an NGO (Non-Government Organisation) that is BBA (Bachpan Bachao Andolan). We read the TD theme and the strands and wrote our understanding on it. Then we wrote the details of the unit and wrote some questions that popped up in our mind. We read a comprehension on human rights and the UN (United Nations). The UN is also an organisation that ensures that everyone has their human rights. Then we discussed and read about the children rights the rights that every child has since he or she is born. We expressed our understanding through writing poems, drawing and making comic strips.

Ashlin Bansal

Going Further into the unit

This week was very informative and interesting as we learnt about the Human Endocrine and Reproductive Systems. The study of the Endocrine System gave us a thorough idea of the glands and hormones and secretions they produce and how they affect our body. We also learnt about the physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty and how we can handle them. This was the 3rd week into the unit. It was also a tiring week with Grandparents Day practise on in full swing.

Anjali Bhardwaj and Eshaan Gupta

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