10th year

10th year
Pathways World School, Aravali

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Student Orientation

Students playing Human Knot

Our Student Council Orientations helps us realize that the student council is important because the members are children like us and will need help with certain things. During the Orientation we did different activities that helped us understand the responsibilities of being a student council member. Some of the activities we did were:- two stars and one wish in which  we wrote two good things and one wish about student council. This was meant to tell the members about their good qualities  and give them  ideas for their improvement. 
We also played the game of co-ordination and co-operation where we were blind folded and asked to make a human knot and then untangle it.  This gave us the message that we could get stuck in difficult situations butl always find a way out.
Understanding 'Perspective' through the book 'Zoom'
Student council orientation was fun and educational and I look forward to more student council orientations.

 Mahika Goel

Student  council  orientation  was  held  for training  student council  so that  they  can fulfill    their  responsibilities  and the   students who are not  part   of the student  council   can also learn something  very  important .The things we learnt were:
·       To work as a team.
·       To   co -operate with   each   other.
·       The qualities that a student   council member should have.
We had a lot of fun playing games. We enjoyed and learnt a lot of things.

Srijon Sinha

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